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.How does the article link macro vs. micro connection (continuum) in global and a “big picture” level? Explain in detail.

1.What are the macro level of dependent and independent variables (concepts, terminologies, key terms, social meanings) in the article? 2.How are these variables applied to macro vs. micro level of analyses ( social institutions (social structures), communities, social groups, organizations, social identities…) in the article? 3.How does the article link macro vs. micro connection (continuum) […]

Discuss the relationship between the environment and the information that we’ve discussed regarding capitalism.

The following internet assignment is a great way to discuss the relationship between the environment and the information that we’ve discussed regarding capitalism. You may have seen this web video in other classes, but it’s good to watch it again, analyzing the issues from a sociological perspective. 1) Go to www.storyofstuff.org 2) Scroll down until […]

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