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What was your average electricity and natural gas energy use for the baseline period compared to the conservation period? Explain

Environmental Science Report for global climate change and big data small paragraph A) Analyze your and the class’ data during the conservation period, using the following criteria. All averages are given in the Green Ninja Energy Tracker “Statistics” page. ● What was your average electricity and natural gas energy use for the baseline period compared […]

Evaluate which of the four types of data (nominal, ordinal, interval, and ratio) is the sales data you are working on.

Determine the difference between data, information, and knowledge. Define the point at which data become information and information becomes knowledge. Explain why meaningful and correct data analysis—statistics—is important in using the volumes of available business data. Support your discussion with relevant examples, research, and rationale. >Assume you are a marketing analyst working for a manufacturer […]

Calculate the average number of claims on any given day, week and month. Let t’ > 0 be an instance of time.

STATISTICS An insurance company has an initial surplus of 100 and premium loading factor of 20%. Assume that claims arrive according to a Poisson process with parameter A = 5 and the size of claims Xi are iid random variables with Xi ,-,, exp( 1-0). The time unit is 1 week. Assume that 1 month […]

Summarize the services, participant requirements, and program outcomes of the selected diversion program.

Select a diversion program in your city, county, or state to research and assess. from Houston, Texas and Harris county. Write an 875- to 1,050-word paper in which you do the following: Summarize the services, participant requirements, and program outcomes of the selected diversion program. Describe the demographics of the participants and the target population […]

Would your model building be finished after the interaction test you ran in Part C.1.? Why or why not?

Statistics Delete one of your vehicle models from your data set, preferably the vehicle that was in the middle when you ranked your vehicle models by price in Project Submission 2. Recode the levels of Model Vehicle as 0 for one model and 1 for the other. We will no longer be using the variable […]

What are the data used and how the data have been collected?

Statistics Visit the Happiness Index website, explore, and write a report based on the data provided on the website. The paper must address the following issues: 1. What are the data used and how the data have been collected? 2. How the data have been processed to derive the Happiness Index? 3. What are the […]

Regress the height of adult children against the height of parents. Report your results in a table and interpret the estimated coe.

Statistics Stata about the Econometrics Part 1: Analysis with Galton’s original data set Galton’s work on children and parents’ height was published in: Galton, F. (1886): “Regression towards mediocrity in hereditary stature”, Journal of the Anthropological Institute, 15: 246-63. In this first part of the project you are asked to reconstruct the original data from […]

Calculate and present the 5-Number Summary: minimum, Q1, median, Q3, maximum. Provide both the value of the statistics as well as an analysis of what they mean in terms of understanding the sample.

Statistics Outline of Material to Present Part 1: Collection of Data – Introduction and Primary Data Analysis (3 – 5 paragraphs): 1. Describe the objective: Before you can examine the data, you must understand the problem. a. Discuss the importance of this issue or situation. b. Introduce the company or organization you are preparing this […]

Is there a positive association between the size of the house and its selling price?

Statistics 1-A sample of 12 houses that were sold last week in San Juan is selected. Can we conclude that, as the size of the house (reported in thousands of square feet in the table below) increases, so does the sale price. the following table in thousands of square feet), the selling price (reported in […]

Write a 3000 word data analysis report in a format that resembles a PNAS data report.

Topic: Data analysis report using R to investigate a topic in politics of social inequality The paper should be a 3000 word data analysis report in a format that resembles a PNAS data report. I have attached a template for that here. The idea of this data analysis report is to very quickly introduce a […]

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