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Write about your experience of listening to examples of each of these two different kinds.

Music In the listenings for Weeks 3 and 4 we have encountered two very different kinds of music. One, a music that organizes itself around references to history, quotation, embedded meanings, messages and evocations (Berg Violin Concerto, Bartok Piano Concerto second movement, Webern in the Bach orchestration). And the other, a music that seems to […]

Why do you think this symphony, arguably the most famous in musical history, has such a profound effect on so many people?

Listen to all of Beethoven’s Symphony No. 5 in C Minor. In your journal, describe the effect each movement of this symphony has on you–that is, your emotional as well as intellectual reaction. Why do you think this symphony, arguably the most famous in musical history, has such a profound effect on so many people?

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