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Assess the viability of introducing the chosen company to a different country, outside of the UK, where they do not currently operate, using the SOSTAC framework.

Assess the viability of introducing the chosen company to a different country, outside of the UK, where they do not currently operate, using the SOSTAC framework. Each element of SOSTAC should be applied separately, but a holistic overview needs to also be used so that each element is integrated within the company’s planned strategy. Each […]

Define the testing plan you propose for the respective prototype.Provide conclusions or recommendations and the next steps for the respective.

Prototype solution and testing having developed a clear understanding of how to reframe a clear identified global challenge, it is fundamental to be able to go a step further and design solutions to ensure the attainment of social impact and test these with your customers to understand their viability. To that end, you are part […]

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