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Evaluate the benefits and challenges of using historical cost and fair value accounting for PPE and intangibles, by reviewing accounting literature.

1. Refer to the current IASB Framework and IFRS 13 Fair Value measurements, briefly explain the measurement concepts in relation to historical cost and fair value accounting.
2. Evaluate the benefits and challenges of using historical cost and fair value accounting for PPE and intangibles, by reviewing accounting literature.
3. Identify valuation practices (in relation to the use of historical cost and fair value accounting) for the following non-financial asset groups: PPE and intangibles, by reading the ‘accounting policy’ sections of three listed companies’ 2014 annual reports.
Note: You are required to select one company listed London stock exchange, one company listed on the New York Stock Exchange, USA, and the third one is selected from the Australian Securities Exchange.
4. Analyse if the valuation practices for PPE and intangibles are consistent across the three companies.
5. What is your opinion on the free choice between historical cost and fair value accounting for PPE and intangibles: should such free choice be continued in practice? Or should it be abandoned? Justify your answer.

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