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Why did the War of 1812 take place, and how did the United States come to the point of engaging in war with Britain instead of with France, considering the problems associated with the Quazi-War and the XYZ Affair?

Why did the War of 1812 take place, and how did the United States come to the point of engaging in war with Britain instead of with France, considering the problems associated with the Quazi-War and the XYZ Affair?
Basic Requirements (more details below):
• 12pt font size
• A bibliography of all sources used (not part of the three-four pages)
• Citations in the paper wherever information from a source is used (see below for more on this)
• MLA style
1. Begin writing by creating a one-paragraph introduction. The introduction will generally introduce the topic to the reader. The Introduction may note the name of the document, the date it was written, and even what was happening historically immediately around the time the document was created.
2. Craft the Thesis Statement for the last sentence of the introduction! A thesis statement is simply a sentence that lets the reader know what the rest of the paper is about. There are two main types of thesis statements: informational and argumentative.


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