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Choose any prospectus of an IPO (in the UAE or outside the UAE) and comment on the different valuation methods used. DCF: What assumptions about growth, WACC, expected cash flows? Are they reasonable and why?

  • Part 1:
    Choose any prospectus of an IPO (in the UAE or outside the UAE) and comment on the different valuation methods used:
    DCF: What assumptions about growth, WACC, expected cash flows? Are they reasonable and why?
    • Multiples: Which comparables do they choose? Are they reasonable?
    • Multiples: Which ratios do they choose? Are they reasonable?
    • Other methods (EVA, real options, Dividend growth model, …)
    Part 2:
    Find a financial article about any rogue trader who improperly traded in derivatives and ended up with a huge loss. Discuss the derivatives involved and why that lead to a huge loss.
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