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Discuss, why this documentation has occurred on the cave walls: What are you ideas first, and then do some research on this.

I would like for you to study the Cave Paintings in various countries. First, look at the Lascaux paintings. In this writing, you will need to do some research and some personal analysis of the works and the research. Remember, no copying! Aim for getting to know the style of the work you see, by describing what you see.

Discuss, why this documentation has occurred on the cave walls: What are you ideas first, and then do some research on this.

What was the culture and the human like during this time. What were the needs, the joys, the lifestyle like at that time in history?

Next, research an ancient 3d sculpture and go through the questions above. You can explore other cultures too to find one to discuss. You pick which culture to study.

So I need to see your own fresh responses to the works and my questions and then do some research to discuss. You can find the images on the web wherever you choose to search.

When using research, always cite your sources at the end of each sentence or paragraph, showing the source your used. Place in Parenthesis at in of sentence. If you only use web sources, you can list them as numbered in the works cited page, and then place that number at the end of that sentence. All work must be in your own words. The program you submit you work in will catch any copying, so don’t try it. Show me your own words and formulation of words. If there is plagiarism, it’s an automatic zero. These writings are your tests, so do well and work hard.
Cite your sources


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