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Produce an annotated bibliography of 5 sources (books, journal articles, online material etc.) on the subject of representation and the study of the media. Aim to write around 300 words for each annotation.

Your sources must come from the Liverpool John Moore University libraries or from the Liverpool John Moore University online resources (e.g. relevant databases or academic journals subscribed to by Liverpool John Moore University), not from a general internet search.
This exercise is designed to get you used to finding and evaluating different kind of sources, the foundation for Media Studies analysis and research. Use this as an opportunity to explore the library and to look critically at the range of sources available online. Be careful about what material you use in the bibliography – be sure it is reliable and think carefully about why it is a useful source. What does it tell you about theories of representation and why it is useful?.

Assessment Criteria:

You will be expected to do the following as skillfully as possible:

– Choose appropriate sources for your bibliography.
– Evaluate, not just describe or summarize, the sources.
– Show critical understanding of the concept of representation.
– Write clearly with some attempt to spell and organize sentences lucidly.
– Incoherently written work, or work that shows no evidence of spell-checking or a read-through for obvious errors, typos and incorrect presentation, is much less likely to achieve a passing mark.
– Give full and correct bibliography references for all your sources, using the university’s required Harvard referencing (explained in full in the referencing guide on Canvas).

The following link takes you to all resources of the library (it is mandatory to choose the resources from the university website). Just go to ‘sign in’ and fill the user name and password. The username and password are shown below as well. I uploaded a few slides about some steps in writing the assignment. You should take into your account these things.Https://ljmu-primo.hosted.exlibrisgroup.com/primo-explore/jsearch?vid=44JMU_VU1&lang=en_US
BIG NOTE: I ordered two other annotated bibliography a few days ago for the same assignment. Please, make sure to choose different resources from MULL Library website (NO Plagiarism).

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