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Should high stakes testing be eliminated?Write about both the inaugural addresses of Abraham Lincoln.

Please see uploaded document for specific instructions for Argument Essay. ML Format, ML Citations, ML style works cited page at end. At least 750 words. Intro with thesis, 2-4 body sections to include claim/reasons for argument, a counterargument and conclusion. Essay should include an Outline. At least 3 or more sources including one from internet, one from library database, and at least one visual. Topic: Should high stakes testing be eliminated? Author Stance: Against Standardize Testing (create argument to support the elimination of high stakes testing). Audience considered: this will be peer reviewed by 11th and 12th grade students, College Freshman and the college Professor.

Write about both the inaugural addresses of Abraham Lincoln. Explain his main points on the speech. And what can someone (you) envision for America in this generation. What would make America better and what are the priorities and measures to be taken?


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