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Write an essay on how Technology brings many benefits to the college classroom.

You must turn in a rough draft! It must be double-spaced in Times New Roman 12 and must contain BOTH COMPLETED body paragraphs for the essay. I’m not concerned with grammar on the rough draft, but you must make the length requirements and source requirements for the two body paragraphs.
It must be at least two FULL pages long and follow formal essay structure.

OPTION 1: You will answer the question with the following assertion: Although technology can distract students, the benefits of allowing technology in the classroom far outweigh the potential distractions.

INTRODUCTION: (For the rough draft stage, simply type the above assertion into the first paragraph of your essay. You can work on adding an introduction after you have submitted a rough draft..)

BODY PARAGRAPH 1, Start with this topic sentence: Technology can cause distractions in the classroom. (This paragraph must be ¾ of a page long. It should include cited direct quotes from “You’ll Never Learn!” to support the topic sentence.

BODY PARAGRAPH 2, Start with this topic sentence: However, technology is such an integral part of society that the college classroom is the perfect place for students to learn how to use technology responsibly. (This paragraph must be ¾ of a page long. It should include cited direct quotes from “Using Smart Phones in the Classroom” to support the topic sentence.

CONCLUSION: (You can work on this after I have returned your rough draft.)

OPTION 2: You will answer the question with the following assertion: Although allowing students to bring technology into the classroom can provide benefits, these benefits are not enough to outweigh the potential distractions to student learning.

INTRODUCTION: (For the rough draft stage, simply type the above assertion into the first paragraph of your essay. You can work on this after I have returned your rough draft.)

BODY PARAGRAPH 1, Start with this topic sentence: Technology brings many benefits to the college classroom. (This paragraph must be ¾ of a page long. It should include cited direct quotes from “Using Smart Phones in the Classroom” to support the topic sentence.)

BODY PARAGRAPH 2, Start with this topic sentence: However, allowing students to use their electronic devices in the classroom causes more problems than opportunities, since many students are unable to resist the multiple distractions on their devices. (This paragraph must be ¾ of a page long. It should include cited direct quotes from “You’ll Never Learn!” to support the topic sentence.

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