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Describe any three different ways you will tend to analyze your sales. What are the business dimensions for your analysis?

All responses must be at least one full paragraph, single spaced. Type the question first and follow it with your response. Please do not quote from the textbook. I am interested in YOUR ideas, thoughts, and opinions.
1. You are the vice president of marketing for a nation-wide appliance manufacturer with three production plants. Describe any three different ways you will tend to analyze your sales. What are the business dimensions for your analysis?

2. You are the manager for the data warehouse project at a retail chain with stores all across the country and users in every store. How will you ensure that all the details necessary to decide on the DBMS are gathered during the requirements phase? Write a memo to the Senior Analyst directly responsible to coordinate the requirements definition phase.

3.You have recently been promoted to administrator for the data warehouse of a nationwide automobile insurance company. You are asked to prepare a checklist for selecting a proper vendor tool to help you with the data warehouse administration. Make a list of the functions in the management and control component of your data warehouse architecture. Use this list to derive the tool-selection checklist.

4. As the data acquisition specialist, what types of metadata can help you? Choose one of the data acquisition processes and explain the role of metadata in that process.

5. What is a faceless fact table? Design a simple STAR schema with a faceless fact table to track patients in a hospital by diagnostic procedures and time.

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