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Develop Scales and Questionnaire.

  • The scale is published in a Sc imago top quartile journal or in a journal with a JCT impact factor over 1;

    • All of the items (questions) make complete sense in your study (preferably) without editing or omitting any items. Contextual changes are fine, e.g. changing reference to a country
    • Each scale should ideally have between 5 and 10 (or 12) items Ideally, they should all utilize Liker scales and if I would recommend using 7 points (strongly, moderately, slightly) regardless of number of points in the original scale, as you will be able to get better, more differentiated results.
    • adequately explained the PROCESS of how you created your self-developed scales. Where did the items come from? E.g. literature, consulting experts, focus groups etc. You need a scientific method to generate these
    • Your self-developed scales will work best if the measures are also quantified in Liker scale format (or rating scales). Nominal/categorical items will have little value.
    • devising a scale for neighborhood economic status (ENS) (we have previously discussed possible items, e.g car ownership, vacations abroad etc),
    • I need to develop scales on neighborhood economic status (ENS) and family background rest of contrast scales are available
    create the questionnaire using all the factors mentioned in the paper plus develop for 2 factors.


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