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Discuss one or more information technology systems used to accomplish the processes identified in “3” above.

Paste these instructions on the cover page of your paper, using a small font.After reviewing the required reading (attached), write a 3-page paper on the Federal Aviation Administration addressing the following: 1.What does the organization do? (i.e., What types of products or services does it provide?) Note that the organization could be For-Profit, Non-Profit, or Government. 2.What is the structure of this organization? Why do you think it was selected? 3.Discuss one or more high level processes the organization accomplishes? Which department do you think is the lead for this process?4. Discuss one or more information technology systems used to accomplish the processes identified in “3” above. Why do they use information technology? Who are the participants that use the identified tool?You are encouraged to use the SAME terms and sources as the case for the generic parts of your paper and specific sources related to the organization you identified, if they are publicly available.The paper will also have an abstract that states the purpose of the paper and what will be answered, as well as section headings that guide the reader throughout the evolution of the discussion. The paper will have a conclusion.Quotations should only be used for definitions so that the student can demonstrate the ability to synthesize and articulate knowledge from the required reading.All assertions and key discussion points are properly cited using SPA format. In other words, any sentence or paragraph that contains material derived or synthesized from the background reading or other sources will be cited.All required references are to be cited at least once.

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