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Discuss the possible damage with short term and long term complications of a firefighter inhaling heated air and in respiratory distress.

  1. The assignment does not specify that the word limit is 750, excluding the math. We expect you to argue your view on Harbinger’s estimates, illustrated with derivations using the model.2. This assignment uses some mathematics that will be covered in detail in the course Mathematics 1 for Economics, in which the principal reference is Saltpeter, K. and P. Hammond (2012), Essential Mathematics for Economic Analysis, Prentice Hall, 4th edition (ISBN 978-0-273-76068-9).3. In the assignment it is specified that the parameters of demand and supply are “positive”, but this should be “non-negative” – a subtle difference that matters here in sub question 19.No external sources please but the articles should be used.

Discuss the possible damage with short term and long term complications of a firefighter inhaling heated air and in respiratory distress. Prioritize the necessary interventions to stabilize the patient.  Then discuss an in-depth plan of care for recovery.


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