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Research, select, and describe an incident involving a real ethical concern or event related to criminal justice (e.g., corruption in a police department, judicial bribery, smuggling contraband into prisons by correctional officers, etc.).

No directly quoted material may be used in this project paper.Resources should be summarized or paraphrased with appropriate in-text and Resource page citations.This assignment will define and compare ethics and morality.Research, select, and describe an incident involving a real ethical concern or event related to criminal justice (e.g., corruption in a police department, judicial bribery, smuggling contraband into prisons by correctional officers, etc.). Students must utilize the Library Subject Guide for Criminal Justice (See Content) to conduct independent and unique research.Organization:Part One: An opening paragraph describing your topic and ultimate conclusion.Part Two: Brief description of the selected event and the ethical issues involved you choose to write about.Part Three: Conclusions based on your research and class readings as to the consequences of unethical behavior to the system, the society, and the individual. The following issues must be covered within the report:Cultural issues, (may include all areas of diversity including race, gender, sexual orientation and occupational culture) Historical context, include your theories on why the situation occurred Moral courage, (For example, – was there a particularly courageous individual involved?) Politics (Note, in this context “politics” referrers to the personal and/or group dynamics within a particular organization, community or similar setting. It does NOT relate to political parties or affiliation with any political party.) Format Requirements 750 to 1,000 words Double space 12 pt. font 1” margins.Use SPA narrative and reference page citations for all sources Include reference page using American Psychological Association (SPA) format guidelines (not included in word count)Additionally:Create a cover page for your assignment (not included in word count) Include your name Course title and number Project title Date of submission.

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