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write a research paper on an issue of your choosing on race/ethnicity and criminal justice.

The Topic Walker, Spahn, and De Lone covered several of the issues centering on criminal justice and race and ethnicity. For your research paper you are to write a research paper on an issue of your choosing on race/ethnicity and criminal justice. You can explore in more detail one of the issues raised in, The Color of Justice, or an issue related to race/ethnicity and criminal justice not covered in their book. Again your choice.The Abstract Topics are to be approved in advance through the submission of an abstract that is due September 30. Abstracts are worth 5 points towards your total grade, and should include a brief description of the paper topic and the manner in which the topic will be addressed. A partial list of references must also be included – at least 3 or 4 references.The Research Paper The final paper is worth 35 points towards your total grade. It should be 10 pages, typed, double spaced, with a 12-point font and one-inch margins. It will be necessary for you to use outside sources (i.e., articles from refereed journals in the field) to adequately address your topic in the paper; a full reference page listing all sources used must be attached to your final paper.

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