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Briefly describe the film, book, album, or video game that you will review. And then tell us whether or not you will be recommending this item to your audience in your review.

This essay is in 2 parts with each Page has 300 words.
Remember, The originality of your work Monitored through Turning!!!

Page 1. Briefly describe the film, book, album, or video game that you will review. And then tell us whether or not you will be recommending this item to your audience in your review.

Page 2. In this discussion, we will display the skills of showing and telling in our writing. Tell us about one of the strengths or one of the weaknesses of the item that you are reviewing. For example, if an actor in a film does a great job, then describe his or her best moment (avoid spoilers)!. If a band or artist had a particularly great song on an album, then explain what is great about it in your opinion.

Remember that you are writing for an audience that knows less about this than you do, so act as a guide.

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