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Demonstrate understanding of the university of sydney’s social media footprint through analysis of its Linked-In and Instagram accounts for each platform.

Mapping Social Network Analysis of University of Sydney’s Linked-In and Instagram accounts.

Demonstrate understanding of the university of Sydney social media footprint through analysis of its Linked-In and Instagram accounts for each platform. You need to analysis each account on each platform as well as interaction analysis. The report should contain:
• Quantitative Social Network Analysis mapping using visualization tools such as Tableau, Node XL, etc.
• University background and relevant social media footprint
• Agenda for each social media platform and account specific
• Analysis on the chosen account and the threads within
o What was the ANS based on and why
o Number of network members and their interactions
o Clusters/groups found
o Key network members
o Nature of interaction (in degrees and out degrees) within clusters and externally
• Reflect and draw strategic conclusion/recommendation on what the university of Sydney should consider in future based on their current ANS mapping, this could also include comment platforms.
• All analysis must be be supported by academic literature. Harvard referencing must be adhered to. References are not included in word count.
• Pictures, tables and extensive quantitative analyses are expected for graduate level students, intuitive qualitative analysis does not suffice at this level.
Word count: 1000 +/- 10%

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