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Describe the communication style for each character as evidenced by the verbal and non-verbal communications.

Conflict Management.

Have you ever been in a marathon meeting that never succeeds in addressing the agenda items? 3M conducted a study of over 3,000 people where the topic of unproductive meetings was covered and found that it was the second most important reason why most dislike meetings (Lumen ET AL., 2010, p. 318).

Take some time to read the Chapter 13 Box 13.3, Lousy Meetings, article. Then read the scenario and based on what you have learned and Chapter 12 regarding conflict management and communications styles, and the Learning Activities regarding negotiation, complete your Assignment addressing the checklist items.

Describe the communication style for each character as evidenced by the verbal and non-verbal communications.
At what point was progress on the goal of the meeting subverted? Explain how they could have stayed on track.
How was leadership evident in the conduct of this meeting or could something more have been done to make it more effective?
Explain how and why negotiation and conflict management strategies might have been successfully applied.

Make sure your persuasive essay expresses a clear purpose and point of view and follows the persuasive essay steps.
Write your paper using Standard English, using correct grammar and spelling.
Ensure it is well-organized, logical, and unified, and that your work is original and insightful.
Use the 6th edition SPA formatting and citation style for your paper.
Access the Assignment rubric.
Respond in a 2–3 page paper with a separate title and reference page.

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