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Develop a proposal on any topic in the field of Financial Management, corporate finance or Accounting that is feasible and could generate new knowledge.

It is a requirement for assisting me with the identification of the research topic, framing research questions, and then conducting the whole research project and writing the dissertation paper on my behalf as per the academic standards and guidelines as well as the submission timetable of the university. My university is one of the Russell-group, research-intensive unis in the UK and has rigorous academic standards in marking post-grad papers and assessing the academic rigor and originality of a research. The detailed guidelines of the research project of my uni is attached. My Dissertation Prep Class will start by mid of October where will be matched to a dissertation advisor who will supervise our research project. By the end of the class we should submit a research proposal. Samples of the RP have been supplied by the Uni and are attached hereby. I can submit tens of assignments I have written myself on the taught modules of this master’s programmer as a guiding sample of my writing style. The last email sent to me by my student support manager summarizing the research process and timeline reads as follows: “…… As requested, I have registered you to the start date of the dissertation on 25 October 2018. The registration should appear on your Student Portal in the next 2 business days.&tbsp;Starting at this time means your dissertation will be due on 31 July 2019. Please keep in mind that the dissertation lasts 40 weeks from the point at which you start. Once underway, you can reschedule up to day 14 of the Research Methods Training. Following this you are not able to reschedule and must complete the whole 40 week process.Here is some other important information:&tbsp; •During the first six weeks of LAIR 905, students go through the Dissertation Preparation Class to find a Dissertation Advisor (DA). The General Dissertation Instructor will post a list of potential advisors; students then liaise with one or two potential advisors to find a good match.&tbsp;&tbsp;Once students have found a DA, then a new one-to-one classroom is opened for the student and their DA. Within this classroom students develop their proposal and gain proposal approval from their DA. It is recommended that students gain proposal approval by week eight.&tbsp;&tbsp; After proposal approval, students then move on to research and writing. During this phase students work quite independently, so it is important to manage your time and keep in regular communication with your DA.



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