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Does the project report communicate how the student arrived at the research question, the problems encountered in performing the work, and what the student learnt from the process?

Is the methodology sufficiently explained/referenced?
Is there sufficient detail for the work to be replicated if required?

Are the results well presented in a logical coherent order?
How well are the results analyzed and evaluated?

Does the discussion relate the observations adequately to the existing literature?
Is the overall message of the project clear?

Has a Vancouver reference system been used appropriately?

Is the use of appendices appropriate? Or have they been used to avoid breaching the word limit?

General Points;
Is there evidence that the student understands the ethical implications of their work?
What evidence is there of a capacity for synthesis of ideas and the development of critical thinking?
Is the project concise, well written and coherent?
Does the project report explain adequately to a generalist the rationale behind the work and the implications for its outcome?
Does the project report communicate how the student arrived at the research question, the problems encountered in performing the work, and what the student learnt from the process?
Your work will play a part in the research paper which will just be for the literature review. The 2000 to 3000 word side of things.
if you can find common themes among the research papers of the types of support that medical students have found useful and not useful and what has worked in other similar environments and areas to best help students pass failed exams.

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