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Medical education: An exploration of support provisions and preferences for medical students taking supplementary exams.

Literature review of recent academic papers.
Can you please find relevant published research papers for referencing preferably from the last 5 to 10 years. such as from the MEDICAL TEACHERS journal and medical teaching journal also things like BM, GM guidelines on support for medical students. i have added a many research papers below.

The aim of this project is:
• To explore the support provisions and preferences for students sitting supplementary exams.
• To provide feedback and recommendations to the Faculty of Medicine regarding support provided for students sitting supplementary exams.

This will be achieved by:
• A review of current literature
Exploring the perceptions and preferences of medical students at SOU Faculty of Medicine through semi-structured interviews.

All Referencing in Vancouver style referencing.
The Research Project Report is marked using a structured scoring system and contributes 70% towards the final module mark. Students are required to submit a 5000-6000 word report that has the following sections: lay abstract (300 words), my contribution, acknowledgements, contents, introduction ( a 2000-3000 literature review), aims, methods, results, discussion and references. The assessment criteria for the report and weightings are shown below, detailed marking criteria are in resources.

Knowledge and conceptual understanding of background information (25%).
Description of the research methods used for the study (15%).
Data analysis, interpretation and presentation (25%).
Communication and contextualization (25%).
Adherence to presentation guidelines and formatting (5%).
Appropriateness, adequacy of referencing and consistent style (5%).
Introduction / Literature Review.

Does the review clearly describe the background of the chosen subject area?
Does the review place the background of the work into the context of the wider scientific literature?
Does the review critically discuss the scientific literature in the subject area?
Is the review well laid out? With a natural progression to the project hypothesis and aims?

Are the aims of the project clearly stated?
Is the student’s contribution to formulating the research question clear?

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