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Explain how this topic will enable you to be a better and more effective professional (and student, if applicable) and how you immediately plan to use this skill and knowledge for your development.

  1. Identify TWO (2) topics that we have covered in the course and for EACH topic: (approximately 3 pages for both topics; Total 10 points; 5 points for each topic)
    Briefly explain the topic and your understanding/interpretation of it (1 point)
    Describe how you related to this topic in the course, how it enabled you to stay engaged in the course, with the professor, and with your classmates (2 points)
    Explain how this topic will enable you to be a better and more effective professional (and student, if applicable) and how you immediately plan to use this skill and knowledge for your development (2 points)

    We have discussed extensively the impact of information technology on the nature and design of work in organizations. Use the knowledge of the course material and other skills you gained (such as practice of mindfulness) to answer the following: (approximately 1 page; Total 5 points)
    1) As a business manager, what are the main challenges and opportunities that you expect to see in your organization (if you are not currently working, use a suitable work place from your previous experience or the university environment)? (3 points)
    2) How do you propose to address these issues? How do you plan to help make your employees more effective? (2 points)

    3. Based on the CANS article “Tutorial: Big Data Analytics” Watson (2014) and related discussions from textbook material topics: (approximately 1 page; Total 5 points)
    Explain briefly the main business objectives of knowledge management, business intelligence, and business analytics in the organization. What are the main challenges and risks involved? (2 points)

    Describe briefly how you would address these challenges in a private or government organization related to your industry. Use specific instances from your experience of (1) Wiley Plus SAP REP simulations and (2) SAP Business Objects exercises to explain your response. The attachment is the topic regards to question and as well as the guideline.


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