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Prepare a Business Law – Business plan.

The Part I of this Business Plan has been already done, the Part I so that can be continued with the same segmentation.
The assignment will be completed on an individual basis.
The plan should follow carefully the outlines provided in the Sample and the Grading Sheet.
Part II of your business plan should include the following:
1. Sales Forecast (table format).
2. Organizational Structure.
3. Competitive Edge.
4. Marketing Strategy.
5. Breakeven Analysis.
6. Projected Profit and Loss (table format).
7. Projected Cash Flow (Cash Flow Forecast table format).
8. Projected Balance Sheet (table format).
9. Executive Summary.

The business plan should be carefully written, clear and logical in its presentation.
A sample of a Business Plan Part II is located in the next document.
You will also find a copy of the grading sheet for the Business Plan Part II to be followed.

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