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Students’ Perception of the Usefulness and Effectiveness of Cloud Applications in Undergraduate Education in Saudi Arabia.

Write the following parts to complete the attached research: Findings Discussion (Analysis) limitations (Also, how other methods can help the used method in this research) Future work. (What exactly are the worries of being traced?, what you could find out and what you couldn’t)Conclusion.Abstract Table of content,Try to answer the hypothesizes included in the introduction.Include any important diagrams and tables from attached files (unused diagrams can be noted in the future work section like unnecessary demographics diagrams). Elaborate on the future work section and more research questions(can be extracted from the survey). Focus on the limitations, future work, conclusion (see attached marking criteria). Apply the attached marking criteria,State the results as you have. Then see if there are correlations between things like,computer anxiety and reasons that deter.Refer to the guidelines to write the report and the abstract (attached) extract findings from the graphs(two files attached). Write about correlations between different graphs.Use the technology acceptance model (TAM).10- font: Arial, size:12, Line spacing:1.5 Anything is not clear please ask. Quality over quantity include existing references.Use academic articles, peer-reviewed, published in the last 5 years, SPA reference style, academic language.If more in-depth data is needed please inform me.

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