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What belief do students have in Growth Mindset theories? What effect, if any, does Growth Mindset theories have on students?

The paper is a research paper based on Growth Mindset for students focused on 3 questions:1)What belief do students have in Growth Mindset theories? 2)  What effect, if any, does Growth Mindset theories have on students? 3)Can positive behaviors or actions from guardians/educators be the cause of student’s successes rather than the theory of Growth Mindset? (For example, saying “Nice job on that homework” motivates the student, not so much an intrinsic belief from the student that they will succeed) I have provided 6 articles/sources that MUST be used as these are the 6 I am using to write the paper. All I need is the annotated bibliography of the 6 articles/sources I have provided.

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