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Define and write the project goals and objectives, and (4) Methodology.

Corporate Social Responsibility (CAR) of Apple.

I need to write a feasibility study with a word limit of 1200 words. The course is Governance and Ethics and the feasibility study topic is dealing with Apple´s Corporate Social Responsibility (CAR). Moreover, it is about Apple´s ethical dilemma with China’s assembly lines, where numerous labor work violations exist. The feasibility study is the first part of my final assignment/ project plan. I need to use the Harvard referencing system and page numbers when using books. The feasibility study allows me to choose a free topic related to the problems that Apple is facing, but I would like the feasibility study to be about the example of China which they explain in the assignment brief (the assignment brief is attached) Furthermore, the assignment brief already gives a structure that needs to be respected: (1) project overview, (2) Statement of the problem, (3) Define and write the project goals and objectives, and (4) Methodology.

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