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Describe how the nonprofit sector is legally structured and how the mission relates to leadership performance and service outcomes.

Organization for Nonprofit Work.

Describe how the nonprofit sector is legally structured and how the mission relates to leadership performance and service outcomes.Integrate proper planning and decision-making through careful management of employees, managers, paid staff, volunteers, etc.Describe how legal requirements shape nonprofit governance and executive leadership decision-making.Prompt:Describe how a nonprofit executive can determine what functions are necessary to pursue the organization’s board-established mission?  How does one determine what staff positions are necessary to operate those functions?   If there is inadequate funding available for a staff position the ED feels is necessary, how can the ED accomplish that work?At least one of the sources needs to be from  (Worth, Part III, Managing the Nonprofit Organization)Instructions:Write a 2-3 page essay to explain and elaborate on each of those points.The paper must be in SPA format.No abstract is required for this paper.You must have a minimum of 4-5 sources (at least 1-2 should be from peer-reviewed sources)Provide examples to support your analysis of each point.

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