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Respond to their initial post with specific suggestions on how you would modify or improve their questionnaire items based on item writing principles presented on pages 237-245 of the Max field and Babbie (2015) textbook.

Create a survey . Please read the instructions below before getting started.<br>Surveymonkey.com<br>https://www.surveymonkey.com/dashboard/<br><br> allows users to prepare surveys of 10 questions each for free and receive up to 100 responses. The use of these sites as learning tools for understanding questionnaire construction and the concept of survey research is invaluable.For this discussion, register with Survey monkey.com and design a 5-item questionnaire that you propose to administer to a sample of students in the class. The topic is “perceptions of crime.” Post the link to the survey along with a summary of why you are interested in these questions.In your initial post, provide the link to the Survey monkey.com 5-item questionnaire which you created, and provide a rationale for the question format for each item along with the advantages and disadvantages of the formats selected.End your initial post with an explanation of what aspects of the “perceptions of crime” topic is addressed by your questionnaire, and links the item numbers from the questionnaire to each dimension measured by the 5-item instrument.For your response posts, select a minimum of two other students in the class and take their questionnaire.  Respond to their initial post with specific suggestions on how you would modify or improve their questionnaire items based on item writing principles presented on pages 237-245 of the Max field and Babbie (2015) textbook.

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