Personal Reflective Narrative 15% of final grade, 3-4-pages, double-spaced This first essay, unlike the next two you will write, will focus on your personal connection to the course theme: the multifaceted significance of language/literacy and the importance of particular ideas in your life. More specifically, you can refer to your reading and our discussion of some of the personal narratives that we go over in class. Because this is a narrative, you should select a specific moment or event in your life dealing with language, literacy, or an idea that was significant to you. Tell the story of this moment or event, and use your telling of the story to explore, reflect upon, and analyze the moment or event. You must attempt to convey to your chosen audience what you gained (or lost) from this experience.GRADING CRITERIA strong essay will… •Tell a compelling story about an event or moment in your life in which language or literacy played a significant role. •Make clear to the readers what you learned from this moment or event. •Engage and inform your audience with a creative title. •Progress logically and smoothly with appropriate transitions indicating connections between ideas. • Make appropriate use of sentence structure, word choice, grammar, spelling, and punctuation that enables rather than hinders clear and effective communication. •Show significant revision of ideas, language, and style from first to final draft. •Meet the minimum page requirement of 3-4 double-spaced pages.ESSAY FORMAT: double-spaced, 12-point Times New Roman font, standard 1-inch margins; your name, instructor’s name, the class (FWY 1000C), and the date should appear in the upper left corner of the first page; pages should be numbered.