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Write a critical introduction to a book of Bible.

Introduction to a biblical book.

Critical Assignment: Introduction to a Biblical Book.The students will write a critical introduction to a book of Bible. Each student will select a biblical book, read it in its entirety, and research its historical background, literary structure, major themes, place in the biblical story line, and theological message. Students should cite at least 6 non-internet, academic sources (books, journal articles, etc.). The paper should be 6-10 pages long (Times New Roman, 12-point font with 1” margins all around) and should include a bibliography (which is not counted toward the page total). The paper should contain the following sections: a.)Critical Issues (author, date, provenance, occasion, sources, etc.) b.)Literary structure (two-level outline the major sections of the book and then a 1-2 paragraph summary) c.)Place in the story line of the Bible (use Roberts here) d.)  Major themes and theological message e.)Personal reflection on the book Suggested resources: ES Study Bible, New International Commentary on the Old Testament, New International Commentary on the New Testament, New Dictionary of Biblical Theology See the rubric attached to the assignment in week 8 for more details on how the critical assignment will be assessed.This is the Critical Assignment for this course and must be passed at an acceptable rate in order to pass the course.All work submitted for this course must be your own work, must have been developed specifically for this course, and may not have been submitted for evaluation or assessment in any other course. The Critical Assignment must be passed at an acceptable rate in order to pass the course.



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