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Write a topic on Moral considerably/ Theories about how we should treat non-human animals (in relation to humans) and life in general.

12-15 pages on the topic of Moral Considerably/ Theories about how we should treat non-human animals (in relation to humans) and life in general. This prompt has two sections: “I. General Instructions” and “II. Headings and Further Instructions for Phil. 338 Midterm Paper.” Please make sure to use the outline of headings provided in the second section when doing your paper, as instructed. You should spend at least 75% of your paper on summarizing and critiquing the theories of the authors listed and not more than 25% giving your considered opinion on the moral issues listed below. Also, please organize your paper modular; i.e. with discrete sections/headings for the theories and sub-sections/sub-headings for the theorists we studied under those theories.Give your answers to the moral issues questions either at the beginning or end of the essay.


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