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Describe how it is distinct from the other 2 models presented below (these forms will be attached to review).

Cultural Identity Development
Choose, read and take a cultural identity questionnaire (completed & attached for review-chose MAM)
• Spinney Multi group Ethnic Identity Measure (MAM) attached (chose this one & completed it)
• Write paper based on this completed form
o In one or two sentences, identify the model you will be discussing and who developed it (Spinney Multi group Ethnic Identity Measure)
• Describe how it is distinct from the other 2 models presented below (these forms will be attached to review).
o Helm’s White Identity Development Model
o Cass Identity Development Stages
• Summarize how the model was used in research
• Based on your reading and experience taking the questionnaire (or applying it to your own experience), explain how might this model be useful in practice, and address potential limitations Papers should be in SPA format (you may use first person to reflect on your experience taking the questionnaire or applying the model to yourself) and 2-5 pages (excluding references and cover page).
Summary of answers on questionnaire will be attached for writing paper.

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