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Describe its history in terms of financial figures and/or calculations using research (you may go back 10 years maximum).

The assignment consists of three sections of equal marks (30/30/30 + 10 for presentation). Before you start, you are advised to read the whole assignment.
Section 1 – Financial History about Anglo American.
Briefly identify Your business and its main activities.
Describe its history in terms of financial figures and/or calculations using research (you may go back 10 years maximum).
Identify any significant changes in your business’ figures – and identify possible causes. These may be business specific events, industry/market sector events or wider events.
Wherever possible, for each change, research and provide evidence in the form of news stories (or other relevant sources) that support the suggested causes. These should be cited/referenced as per instructions provided.
Section 2 – Competitor Analysis between Anglo American and HP Billion.
A friend has £100,000 to invest in shares. They are inexperienced and have approached you for advice on whether to invest in Anglo American or one of its competitors HP Billion.
You must conduct a comparative financial analysis (compare key indicators over several years). In your own words, recommend which company your friend should invest in. You should explain (justify) why you have made this recommendation.
Section 3 – Economic Impacts on Business.
Assess the extent to which economic conditions alone determine business success. This should be in your own words.
Include a bibliography at the end.

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