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Describe the team composition, how the team will contribute to the success of the solution and define the culture of the team. Also provide strategies to deal with potential barriers to success.

Venture Plan & Innovation Reflection.

  • Final assignment – Venture Plan
    o Write a Venture Plan for your own Solution (1500-2000 words)
    • Define the Problem & Proposed Solution
    • Describe the Customer & Business Model & Prototype
    • Collect survey data / Conduct Interviews to validate your concept / Refine Concept
    • Describe the business model, value proposition and provide a financial projection
    • Describe how you will launch and scale
    • Describe the team composition, how the team will contribute to the success of the solution and define the culture of the team. Also provide strategies to deal with potential barriers to success.
    • Reflection – What did you learn and how will you improve
    o Which factors are critical for leading in innovation?
    o Which previous assumptions about leading for innovation have changed?
    o Which steps will you take to succeed in leading for innovation from now on?
    o Other
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