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Illustrate the links between the various elements of the marketing plan during this reflection.

Individual Reflective Report – General Motors Holden Australia.

Assessment 2 – Individual Reflective Report – Marketing Plan Part 2
Assessment Type Report
Purpose The reflective report tests students’ integrated marketing understanding, creative problem
solving and decision-making
Description A marketing plan is an essential tool for any marketer, providing direction for a brand, product or organization. A marketing plan describes the marketing environment, marketing objectives and marketing strategies.
In Assessment 1 you with others in your group, developed a situation analysis for a selected company culminating in a SWOT analysis. This is the current situation that the company is in from a marketing perspective. Assessment 1 also developed an established segmentation profile for each segment that might be targeted.
On the basis of that analysis and the situation the company is therefore in and the established segmentation profile, you are required to individually reflect on how you would conclude that plan, relative to selected key issues from the SWOT by analyzing it, on the basis of marketing objectives for that setting, deciding on which markets to target based on the segmentation analysis conducted as part of the external analysis, how to position the product/company, and an outlining overall approach to an appropriate new marketing mix.
You need to illustrate the links between the various elements of the marketing plan during
this reflection. You must incorporate academic literature to support / justify your discussion.
Unsubstantiated statements will not provide credibility to your discussion
Weighting 30%
Length 2500 words (+/- 10%) excluding Executive Summary.

Submission Method Online.
Assessment Criteria Details will be available on the course Blackboard site.
Return Method Online.
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