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Summarize the information into an intelligible essay that establishes the consensus knowledge (to the degree that there is a consensus) and briefly points out any areas that may be in dispute.

This 3-page reference essay (essentially a summary) has to be on 7 reference book essay sources that were used for the paper that was done in my previous order. The paper was done so well that I wanted to use the same writer for this order too. I will attach the sources so that the writer doesn’t have to go looking for them, however if they want to use some different sources that they believe would be more beneficial to the work I would greatly appreciate that. The writer can utilize the paper they wrote to help them too but technically this assignment was supposed to be done before the paper. Below is the instructions on what to do for this order:
1) Cover what knowledge is most important to set the historical context for, and to provide the vital details of, your topic. Summarize the information into an intelligible essay that establishes the consensus knowledge (to the degree that there is a consensus) and briefly points out any areas that may be in dispute. In short, discuss the causes, courses, and consequences of the event/processes.
2) Do not paraphrase, but write in a reporting-like style in your own words by laying out “the facts” as they are known. Quote, cite, and footnote only where absolutely necessary to acknowledge an interpretative statement. This should be needed only very rarely. For most summary essays, you should not have citations. You are presenting common knowledge.
3) You are not expected to offer critical analysis, except to assess glaring errors, since the expectation is that the reference essays you read are providing essential knowledge in a relatively unbiased fashion.
4) Lastly, based upon the new knowledge you have gained of your topic, close your essay with two or three open-ended “how” questions you wish to explore through further research.



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