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Write an essay, or letter of motivation explaining your interest in attending the program, and the professional background you bring to the cohort experience.

Letter of Motivation / Personal Statement – WHY Am I Seeking this Finance degree?

What is required of me:
All applicants must write an essay, or letter of motivation (not more than 500 words), explaining your interest in attending the program, and the professional background you bring to the cohort experience. This helps us get to know you a little better.”
(I need roughly two pages or 500-550 words minimum. 500 Is ideal but if it pushes a little over that then it is fine)
So Here’s just a little bit of background to include in my admissions statement. I am trying to get into “PACE UNIVERSITY” for a “Masters of Finance (MS)” degree.
(Pace University is a prestigious school in the heart of the Financial District in NYC. the school has nearly unlimited access to resources to assist me in succeeding in The finance world.)
This program is designed for people already working in the finance sector that want to broaden their horizons and take their careers to the next step..I’m primarily seeking this degree because I want to take my career to the next level. I don’t want to stay stagnant. I don’t want to reach a plateau. I want to break glass ceilings.. Their aren’t many women in the finance world and I am looking to change that stigma that women don’t have to always be “hairstylists” or stay at home moms. We can tackle these quantitative roles as well.

The Masters in Finance for Professionals program focuses on the needs of managers and professionals who want to earn a graduate degree but cannot attend regularly scheduled evening classes. Many of these potential students may have demanding travel or work schedules. Others may live and work beyond commuting distance of a university.

Students entering this program are experienced business people bringing their own unique perspectives and insights to the program. Many will come to the program with recommendations and support from their employers and are determined to play an active role in answering “what’s next?” for finance in the new century.

The program seeks applicants who:
Have at least three years of business experience and responsibility;
Possess basic quantitative skills;
Have an independent learning style;
Are self-motivated and self-disciplined.
Each Module requires regular and frequent contributions, and the one year completion time will require significant work each week. Though employer sponsorships are advantageous to Masters in Finance for Professionals students, all qualified applicants are invited to seek admission.”I am attaching a background of my work experience. I attached the file with this order. Please elaborate how my background in Healthcare finance and Banking/operations/ Customer service would help me excel in this role.
A description in healthcare finance and the industry itself is at this link:
( https://www.roberthalf.com/blog/job-market/q-all-you-need-to-know-about-healthcare-finance-jobs)
Also discuss how I am a team player.
Can you also BRIEFLY go into how my GPA doesn’t define who I am today. I had a very low GPA during my early 20s (undergraduate career). I was immature and had many hardships during my educational career.
(Maybe google searches or these links below will help you?
— http://fortune.com/2014/10/21/at-a-job-interview-how-do-you-explain-a-low-gpa/



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