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Passive earth pressure acting on retaining wall considering an isotropic seepage effect.

Must be included:
-Abstract – about half of a page
-Introduction – 3 to 4 pages
-What and why, aims and objectives
-Propose work
-Literature review
-Future plan – presented by Gantlet chart (like the examples did)
(For more detail please look at the instruction of project proposal document)

Send me the Gantlet chart documents as well.
I will upload the instruction of project proposal, 3 examples from students, marking scheme (make sure that u follow all the points in marking scheme).
Also, I will upload a paper, it is doing the same topic as me, the only thing difference is that I’m doing passive earth pressure not active. Please kindly follow the paper’s format. And then replicate the results of the above paper, replicate the above method for the passive case; and propose a closed-form equation for determining the earth pressure coefficient.
Provide Harvard reference at the end. (around 20)

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