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Communication Plan: Encourage existing customers who consume only junk food to take action and start consuming a more balanced meal with McDonald’s new healthy foods reaching 30% of them world-wide in 6 months (action)

Assignment requirement

Communication Plan

You are to develop a Communication Plan in accordance with your research proposal. This assessment aims to address the course objectives of developing students’ analytical skills in terms of the situation, key public and stakeholders, and refining the goals and objectives. This assessment gives students the opportunity to demonstrate their ability to formulate strategies and tactics, develop key messages, schedules, and apply evaluative research within the legal and ethical frameworks of professional communication practice.

Your Communication Plan is to be presented in a professional, business layout using headings. Creativity is encouraged however clarity should be considered the most important factor. An executive summary of 100 words is required, but is not included in the word count. As a guide the word count for this component of your Communication Plan is 2000 words and should include the following:

– Situation Analysis (situation is already listed below, use to conduct the research)
– Communication Goals and Objectives (already listed below, use to conduct the research)
– Primary Audiences/Publics
– Strategies
– Tactics
– Action Plan/Schedule incorporating an indicative budget
– Evaluation

You are required to develop a selection of materials to be used in implementing your Communication Plan. As a guide the word count, or equivalent depending on your chosen materials, is 1000 words. Your supporting materials must align with the strategies and tactics in your Communication Plan, discuss any two from this:
– Media release and backgrounder
– Fact sheet or newsletter
– Feature article
– Event proposal
– Advertising copy

A reference list and bibliography must be included. When information is included from external sources it must be referenced using the Harvard referencing style.




MacDonald’s is a massive fast food global empire established in 1940. Being a profit-making company through the sale of burgers and fries to a wide range of customers world -wide, the mission statement of your company is committed be the“customers favourite place and way to eat” (Macdonald’s 2018). In achieving this mission statement, MacDonald’s has visions and values set forth to guide them:

  • To place customer experience at the core of all we do
  • Commitment to ensure staff happiness
  • Believe and follow the McDonald’s System
  • Run the business ethically
  • Give back to the communities
  • Strive to grow our business profitably
  • Strive continually to improve

Despite expanding into 31,000 outlet world-wide and employing 1.5 million people in 119 countries, MacDonald’s have consistently battled an issue which promote negative perception among the public about them (Deng 2009).



In the 21st century, research have shown that people are becoming more health conscious. The rise of the health and anti-obesity trend has drawn attention to McDonald’s, which supposedly takes a big part in the rapidly rising of obesity among consumers through the sale of junk food (Corbett 2016). This issue is imperative because, First, potential/current stakeholders/investors may become discouraged and decide to terminate their investment. Second, the company’s 2014 annual report reflected a major drop in the revenue which has since been on the down fall as people are becoming more health conscious. As customer’s Health is integral to the mission statement and also what the company is known for which is in maintaining a strict regimen for safety and food quality standards, makes this issue of all importance to address to maintain the customers’ relationship and the company’s reputation.


Assure the customers on the safety of consuming their food (reputation management)


  • Increase/influence public awareness among health-conscious customers about MacDonald’s from a low-quality nourishment eatery (junk food) to a healthy sustenance eatery reaching 30% of them world-wide in 6 months (Awareness).


  • Encourage existing customers who consume only junk food to take action and start consuming a more balanced meal with McDonald’s new healthy foods reaching 30% of them world-wide in 6 months (action)




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