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Demonstrate a questioning and analytical approach to the utilization of research findings in practice and a sound ability to develop evidence-based recommendations for enhancing nursing care.

Faculty of Society and Health
Assignment Brief   
Module Title: Research in Nursing Module Code: NS621
Assignment No/Title: Extended literature review Assessment Weighting: 100%
Submission Date:   Feedback Target Date: 29/05/18
Module Leader Julia Williams Degree/Foundation

Please Specify:

BSc (Hons) Nursing
Submission Instructions:


This assignment is to be submitted electronically using Blackboard


  1. This assignment must be submitted electronically before 2pm on the submission date.
  2. To submit electronically you must upload your work to the e-submission area within the Blackboard module concerned. Click Submit> Browse (find the correct file to upload) Upload> Submit
  3. You can resubmit your work as many times as you like until the deadline. If you choose to resubmit, your earlier submission will be replaced, and you will NOT receive an Originality Report until 24 hours from when the submission was made.
  4. You will receive a digital receipt as proof of submission. This will be sent to your Bucks e-mail address; please keep this for reference.
  5. You are reminded of the University’s regulations on cheating, plagiarism and self plagiarism. In submitting your assignment you are acknowledging that you have read and understood these regulations.
  6. Late submission within 10 working days of the deadline will result in the mark being capped at a maximum of 40%. Beyond this time the work will not be marked.
  7. You are reminded that it is your responsibility to keep an electronic copy of your assignment for future reference.


Instructions to Students: Specify whether it is a group or individual assignment, the word length and any abnormal submission instructions.
CW1: Extended literature review (8000 words)

This assignment is an extended literature review (ELR).

The development of a relevant research question or topic must be clearly demonstrated. An audit trail of the search strategy should be detailed and transparent. Once relevant articles are selected (between 6-10 recommended) a thematic analysis should take place and emerging themes from the findings need to be presented. A discussion should follow offering a critical analysis of the findings indicating any implications for practice and future recommendations.

There is a guide to how to structure this review under assignments in the Blackboard shell NS621

A supervisor will be allocated to you, offering up to 4 hours of one-to-one tutorial support. You are responsible for making contact and keeping your supervisor up-to-date with your progress.



This assignment tests the following Learning Outcomes for the module:Delete any that do not apply and ensure that alternative instructions are entered in the box above.
1. Demonstrate a critical understanding of the research process, its principles and benefits to nursing.

2. Critically evaluate strategies for collecting and appraising literature to conduct a coherent literature review.

3. Demonstrate a questioning and analytical approach to the utilization of research findings in practice and a sound ability to develop evidence-based recommendations for enhancing nursing care


The Assignment Task:
Summative Assignment – Extended literature review (ELR) CW1.

This is an 8,000 word extended literature review (+ or – 10%)

Your submitted work must be presented in size 12, Arial font with a minimum of 1.5 line spacing and each page must be numbered. You should include;

–       A title page – your name, student number, cohort. Module code and name. The actual word count. The submission date. Your supervisor and module leader’s name.

–       Acknowledgements

–       Contents page

–       Abstract – use the following sub-headings: aim, background, methods, findings, conclusion

–       Introduction – outlining how the ELR will progress, offer a terms of reference/definitions as necessary

–       Background – outline the chosen topic area and the rationale for choosing this. Indicate the topics relevance to current nursing practice including any relevant background information.

–       Methodology – provide a detailed audit trail of the methodology. Use tables as illustrations.

–       Findings – present the findings of your analysis as the emerging themes

–       Discussion – provide a critical discussion of your findings, considering implications for practice and further research

–       Strengths and limitations – consider both strengths and weaknesses of your review

–       Conclusion – Summarise key points from review

The ELR must be submitted before: 14.00 hrs, Tuesday 1st May 2018


Assessment Criteria:

It will be marked according to the level 6 university marking grid. A copy of the marking grid can be found in the Assignment Folder in NS621 Blackboard shell


Referral Information:

1.    Your mark for this piece of course work will be confirmed at the Assessment Board. If you are referred, you will be given a date by the Assessment Board to resubmit your work. This will be your 1st referral attempt.

2.    The mark for 1st referral work will be confirmed at the Assessment Board. You may be given a 2nd (final) referral attempt following this Assessment Board, submission date to be confirmed.

Please note: You are strongly advised to seek referral support from your supervisor.


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