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Demonstrate your ability to create and maintain an inclusive learning environment where learner behaviour is appropriately managed.

Pearson Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training

Developing Teaching, Learning and Assessment in

Education and Training

Level 5, 20 Credits

The aim of this unit is for you to further develop your understanding of the principles and practices that underpin effective teaching, learning and assessment.

This unit relies heavily on you being able to review your own skills and understanding through reflecting on your planning, delivery and the assessment of learning in your specialist area.  You will be required to demonstrate your ability to create and maintain an inclusive learning environment where learner behaviour is appropriately managed.

The unit covers expectations in relation to the minimum core in teaching, learning and assessment. Since September 2000 it is expected that initial teacher education programmes equip all trainee teachers to develop inclusive

approaches to addressing the language, literacy and numeracy (minimum core) needs of their learners.

The first element of this unit will require you to explore some theories, models and principles relating to learner behaviour management. The second part will be concerned with your planning, delivery and reflective evaluation of two of your teaching sessions which form part of the teaching observations requirement for this qualification.

Part 1 Theories of Behaviour Management

Part 1 of this unit is focused on effective and appropriate learner behaviour management and the theories, models and principles which underpin this area of teaching practice.

It is important that you appreciate the underlying principles which relate to the management of learner behaviour and can adapt and develop them in a way that suits the specific demands of your area of teaching.

Research task

Please research, as a minimum, the following areas of theory relating to learner behaviour management.  Some of the subject matter may be new to you; others may have been encountered earlier in your teacher training studies.

Your understanding of these theories will form the basis of your Part 1

written response.

Theories and principles relating to learner behaviour

  • Influencing factors, e.g. previous experiences, individual needs, threat, fear of change, conflicts.
  • Group behaviours, e.g. group dynamics, hierarchies, group size, shared learning tasks, group formation, see Tuckman’s theory on group formation and Belbin’s team roles.
  • Behaviour management through motivation, see Maslow’s theory on basic needs and Hertzberg’s motivational theory.

Suggested resources:


Gould J – Learning Theory and Classroom Practice in the LLLS Learning Matters (2012), ISBN 9780857258175

Gravells A and Simpson S – Planning and Enabling Learning in the Lifelong

Learning Sector (Learning Matters 2011) ISBN 9781844457984

Kidd W Czerniawski G – Successful Teaching 14-19 (Sage Publications, 2011)

ISBN 9781848607125

Petty G – Teaching Today: A Practical Guide, 4th Edition (Nelson Thornes,

2009) ISBN 9781408504154

Powell S and Tummons J – Inclusive Practice in the Lifelong Learning Sector

(Achieving QTLS), (Learning Matters 2011) ISBN 9780857261022

Wallace S – Teaching, Tutoring and Training in the Lifelong Learning Sector, 4th

Edition (Learning Matters 20011) ISBN 9780857250629


Times Educational Supplement – FE Focus

Times Higher Education – weekly newspaper

Professional/vocational specific journals


www.bis.gov.uk – Department for Business Innovation and Skills

www.crll.org.uk – Centre for Research in Lifelong Learning

www.Dylanwiliam.net – Dylan Wiliam, professional development materials

www.et-foundation.co.uk – Education and Training Foundation

www.excellencegateway.org.uk – Learning and Skills Improvement Service


www.geoffpetty.com – Geoff Petty, online teaching resources

www.et-foundation.co.uk/– Education and Training Foundation

Unit: DTLAET Part 1 © Maxam Training Ltd. August 2014

www.infed.org – informal education

www.learningandteaching.info/ – approaches to learning and teaching

www.niace.org.uk – The National Institute of Adult Continuing Education

www.ofsted.gov.uk – Office for Standards in Education

www.skillsfundingagency.bis.gov.uk – Skills Funding Agency (SFA)

www.Teacherstoolkit.com – sources for teaching resources

www.vital.ac.uk – Open University and Department for Education professional development programme and resources

Part 1 written task

This written assignment will provide evidence for the identified unit

assessment criterion. You should refer to the programme learning outcomes and assessment criteria included with the unit support material.

Unit: Developing Teaching, Learning and Assessment in Education and Training

Assessment criterion: 3.1 Analyse theories of behaviour management

  1. Describe the factors which may influence learner behaviour in your own area of teaching practice. Also, analyse and compare relevant theories of learner behaviour management relating to both group dynamics and individual learner motivation.
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