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Develop a literature matrix using research articles that address your clinical question.

ASSIGNMENT: Week 10 – Development of a Literature Matrix Related to Your Research Question.


For this assignment, you will develop a literature matrix using research articles that address your clinical question/


  • To organize the results of your literature search using a detailed approach
  • To compare and contrast the articles in terms of the research results and methodology applied


  1. Open the attached document below.
  2. Indicate your PICO question.
  3. Locate two peer-reviewed, original research articles that address your PICO question and complete the attached literature matrix. (Note: for your research paper assignment, you are required to synthesize at least three peer-reviewed, original research articles. You may add other articles to the following matrix, but to receive credit for this assignment, you only need to incorporate two articles.)
  4. After you complete the matrix, address the subsequent questions.
  5. When you are finished, upload this document to Carmen.

What to Include

  • Completed assignment document (under Resources below)


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