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Identify the factors contributing to the issue and drawing on the literature from health leadership and workforce engagement to propose a health leadership strategy for improving the issue.

Length:           2,000 words

Format:          APA referencing style

References:   >15 references,

year >2005

Task: workforce shortages in rural nursing in Australia

  • Identify the factors contributing to the issue and drawing on the literature from health leadership and workforce engagement to propose a health leadership strategy for improving the issue.
  • You can choose to focus on a specific staff problem, team or group performance issue or take a wider scope for a work unit or the organization. You need to provide a clear argument for why you have selected this particular workforce issue given your organizational context and its impact on the workplace and how you will address staff engagement through effective health leadership approaches.


  • Identified the features of the health workforce problem/issue needing to be addressed.
  • Provided a clear explanation of the context and impact of the workforce problem/issue.
  • Critically evaluated and reflected on the health workforce engagement and leadership literature for addressing the issue.
  • Proposed appropriate health leadership strategies using the research literature to address the workforce issue.
  • Provided a well-structured, succinct and clearly written response using appropriate referencing format.


Health LEADS Framework (HWA, 2012)

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