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Write two paragraphs analyzing Madhuri Vijay’s use of language in the story “Lorry Raja”


  1. Read the following blog entry by Karen Carlson:

Pay close attention to Carlson’s paragraph that begins:

  • “That’s what makes this story, as familiar as it is, work for me: it’s lovely writing. Yet I wonder, as I always do: when something stands up and announces itself as lovely writing, is it really lovely writing? Or is it one step removed from lovely writing, which would really be sort of invisible…?”
  • Also note Carlson’s next paragraph, which describes the “heartstrings effect.”
  1. Write two paragraphs analyzing Madhuri Vijay’s use of language in the story “Lorry Raja”:
    • In the first paragraph, cite specific quotations from the story that you think contribute to lovely, or aesthetic, use of language. Do not cite any quotations of the story from Carlson’s blog – find your own examples.Does Vijay use words similar to the way an artist uses paint? Are you able to picture what Vijay describes?
      • Provide at least two direct quotations from the story (with citations) as evidence for your claim (without copying Carlson’s quotations from the story).
      • Consider:
        • What effects arise from this “lovely” writing and the way it intersects with symbolism?
        • Do you agree that lovely writing should be unnoticeable?
        • Why or why not?
      • In the second paragraph, define what the “heartstrings effect” means to you (doing no more research than re-reading the blog entry, re-reading Vijay’s story, and reflecting on your experiences of reading stories).
        • Cite specific examples from the story (direct quotations or paraphrases, with citations) that seem to be potentially overly-sentimental or emotionally manipulative. Again, do not rely upon Carlson’s examples. Find your own examples.
        • Consider:
          • Is pointing out a heartstrings effect a valid or valuable criticism of a story, according to the way you read and make meaning of literature?
          • Does this kind of emotionally powerful fiction writing serve an artistic purpose?
          • Is it manipulative?
          • Should it be avoided?
          • If so, when and why?


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