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What is the relationship between households and financialisation? Consider one example.

Essay instruction

  • This essay is based on the following question:

What is the relationship between households and financialisation? Consider one example.

  • Make sure to refer to some of the following terms for answering the question:
  • Risk, Sub-prime, GFC, Debt, Social reproduction.
  • Argument is very important for this essay.
  • You MUST use following structure for this essay:
  • Introduction :
  • Background information (one sentence)
  • Briefly outline two arguments (one or two sentences).


  • Body paragraph 1(first argument):
  • Topic sentence
  • Claim 1
  • Evidence to support the first argument
  • Concluding statement


  • Body paragraph 2(second argument):
  • Topic sentence
  • Claim 2
  • Evidence to support the second argument
  • Concluding statement
  • Conclusion
  • Brief summarization of your arguments
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