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Why is it important to understand what determines one’s sexual orientation? Consider ethical, legal, and social implications. If you do not think it is important to understand the origins, please explain.

Discussion: Does It Matter?

Does It Matter?

This week, you learned about various theories surrounding the determination of one’s sexual orientation. In addition, you learned about some of the limitations and criticisms of the research.

  • Explain briefly (in 1-2 paragraphs) your understanding of the research on origins of sexual orientation.
  • Why is it important to understand what determines one’s sexual orientation? Consider ethical, legal, and social implications. If you do not think it is important to understand the origins, please explain.
  • Based on what you have learned in your readings within the class and your textbook, make a hypothesis as to where you think the research might lead.

Write your initial response to each part in 3–4 paragraphs. Support your arguments with research, applying APA standards to citation of sources.

By the due date assigned, post your response to the discussion below to the Discussion AreaThrough the end of the module, review and comment on at least two peers’ responses. Ask a question, remark on an analysis presented, or suggest an alternative view. Be sure to formulate a thoughtful and substantive response.

Discussion Grading Table Maximum Points
Quality of initial posting, including fulfillment of assignment instructions 16
Quality of responses to classmates 12
Frequency of responses to classmates 4
Reference to supporting readings and other materials 4
Language and grammar 4
Total: 40
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