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Analysis of the relationship between changes of food/drink production and distribution and modern America.

Analysis of the relationship between changes of food/drink production and distribution and modern America.

1000 – 2000 words, Font size 12 (Calibri or Times New Roman), double spaced, maximum quote size is TEN words, statistics and images encouraged, all cited with footnotes.

This is actually a research based analysis of the role mass produced industrial food products altered American society since the Market Revolution.  The project requires the use of primary source evidence to demonstrate the way advancements in marketing and distribution networks combined with improved and increased production methods altered American cuisine.  Specifically, you will ARGUE and prove with primary source evidence whether American society benefited from changes in the production and distribution of a single food or ingredient.

The reality is this project is an analysis of the relationship between changes of food/drink production and distribution and modern America.  The general idea is for you to choose a single food, ingredient, or food related item such as beef, sugar, food coloring, wine, pasta, absynth, (you get the idea) and explore the relationship between changes in the production and distribution of the item over time.  Please note note that while many of your choices will have histories dating back to the 15th and 16th the projects main focus should be on changes starting with either the Market Revolution or the Gilded Age.  From there you need to decide if these changes are beneficial or detrimental to American society.

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