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Describe the artwork in a Formal Analysis (see Chapter 1.10 Content and Analysis in the text, p. 178). Discuss the Elements and Principles of Art in depth.

Art Appreciation
Formal Analysis Essay
Read chapter 4.6 in your textbook to write this paper:
In this chapter we have examined portrayals of leaders from many cultures and eras.
Find another artwork in which a leader is represented and follow the instructions below:
*Image can be from another chapter in the text or sourced elsewhere, not from Chapter 4.6.
*Please do not choose a fictitious character.
*Any leader from any time period or culture is eligible.
*The portrayal may have been commissioned by the leader or could even be a critique of the
leader (see Formal Analysis Essay example image).
1. Considering the elements and principles of art discussed in this Unit, perform a
visual analysis of your selected artwork. How does the artist convey the power of
the leader?
a. Describe the artwork in a Formal Analysis (see Chapter 1.10 Content and
Analysis in the text, p. 178). Discuss the Elements and Principles of Art in
b. Give a Stylistic Analysis as it relates to the style(s) of artwork from the time
period in which it was created (see Chapter 1.10 Content and Analysis in the
text, p. 180). May require research and in-paper citations.
2. Next, write a Contextual Analysis to give the reader a sense of the time/culture
your selected artwork reflects. Various aspects of context can be considered; for
example, religious, historical, and biographical analyses are all types of
contextual analysis (see Chapter 1.10 Content and Analysis in the text, p. 185).
Requires research and in-paper citations.
3. Write a conclusion for your paper. Did you enjoy the artwork visually?
Intellectually? Have your initial assumptions about it changed through your
research? Do you agree or disagree with the information you included in
Paragraph IV or do you have an entirely different view of the work?
Style Guidelines for Writing the Paper:
• Length 2 page minimum
• Font Size 11 or 12 point
• Use a header for your name, title of paper, and course name/number
• A minimum of three MLA citations must appear in the body of your paper.
• Create a bibliography at the end of the paper (does not count towards the two
page minimum).
Art Appreciation
• An image of each referenced artwork must be attached to the paper (does not
count towards the two page minimum).
• Be sure to include the medium, date, and dimensions of the artwork(s).
• Please italicize any artwork title.
Your final paper should have the following structure:
Paragraph I: Introduction
In this paragraph, tell the reader what artwork you have selected and generally outline
your purpose for writing this paper. Tell the reader what you will be discussing in the
Paragraph II: Formal and Stylistic Analyses of selected image.
Paragraph III: Contextual Analysis of selected image. (research required)
Paragraph V: Conclusion
Conclude the paper by offering your personal insight. Did you enjoy the artwork
visually? Intellectually? Have your initial assumptions about it changed through your
research? Do you agree or disagree with the information you included in Paragraph III
or do you have an entirely different view of the work?
The final paper must be submitted to eCampus. Late papers will not be accepted.

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